Planes Over the Palisades in Washington DC

Palisades Community Association efforts to abate intrusive airplane noise

"Illegitimi non carborundum"

"MWAA Reagan National Community Noise Working Group (CWG) was established in October 2015 to engage broad-based community participation to identify practical aircraft noise solutions and recommendations to the FAA".  The PCA Aircraft Noise Committee chair represents Ward 3 on the CWG.

For certain:  Death - Taxes - Airplane Noise

Updated October 14

Recent press on Palisades airplane noise and RNAV GPS

<NEW Stuff> 


Commerce Committee ranking member Sen. Teddy-boy Cruz (R-Texas) and his pals forced 10 more flights in/out of DCA.

1) We tried, but the special interest airlines and Senate allies forced 10 more flights per day into the FAA reauthorization bill. More noise! More Accidents! SAD!  Thank you for your interest and support. See what cities may be serviced by the new flights? 

2) The 2015 FAA NextGen project created concentrated NOISE SEWERS over the Palisades.  The enviornmental danger from noise sewers are comparable to health dangers from water, air, or ground pollution.  Catch up on past Issues and background regarding efforts to abate noise pollution.

Thank you Palisades and other D.C. residents who submitted 155 comments last summer to the FAA on its Noise Policy Review Federal Register Notice to revise its noise policy 

<Updated 9-27> Read updated the results FAA noise policy survey.  The FAA received 4,800 comments/responses to its survey Read the FAA survey results.  The FAA site has useful links and webinars to better understand its procedures and taxonomy. 

EMBARRASSING and AWKWARD! Last November, I toured the FAA's Tracon air traffic control center in Warrenton, Virginia.  The tour was arranged for community representatives on MWAA's Aircraft Noise Working group.  This Tracon facility serves Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and DC.  Flags from each of these jurisdictions hang in Tracon's atrium area - EXCEPT for DC's flag.   It is missing and I thought this was emblematic of the fact that the DC government is missing in action regarding aircraft noise.  They are totally deaf on how noise destroys the quality of life of its citizens.  DC bureaucrats and elected officals offer zero support/action to address aircraft noise.  My colleagues and I who represent DC Wards on the MWAA working group are on our own in contrast to representatives from Maryland & Virginia that are actively supported by their County and City government officials.  In some cases a government employee actually SERVES as their representative.  On the other hand, DC government officials/employees are totally disinterested and unmotivated.  Consequently, DC Ward work group representatives act as citizens on their own!  So the absence of a DC flag, while embarrassing, is consistent with the status of DC government support as MISSING IN ACTION.   

Just an observation. 

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